Traditional Acupuncture
What is acupuncture?
Several thousand years ago, East Asian practitioners discovered that the body forms disharmonies. This is the result of the various physical and mental stresses of life. Oriental medical theory explains these disharmonies as an imbalance of opposing forces called yin and yang. This imbalance disrupts the movement of the body’s vital energy (qi). Through pathways known as meridians, the body’s energy is thought to flow. Acupuncture restores the smooth flow of qi through inserting and manipulating hair-thin needles at specific points. In this way, acupuncture returns the body to its natural balance and promotes the body’s ability to heal itself.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes. Millions of Americans have acupuncture every year. Acupuncturists undergo extensive bio-medical education and training. We also must pass comprehensive board examinations administered by NCCAOM. In the state of Montana, we are fully licensed healthcare practitioners. Most health insurance companies now provide plans that include acupuncture.
I use only pre-sterilized, disposable, single-use needles to ensure your complete safety. Every patient enjoys a fresh set of linens and supervision during each appointment.