Our Services

Traditional Acupuncture

Acupuncture uses hair-thin, flexible needles, inserted into specific points on the body. Traditional techniques honed through millennia of practice activate the body’s own healing powers. Simply lay back and let the cares of the day fade away as you replenish, recalibrate, and revitalize. Learn More >

Wellness Consultation

Working together, we will develop an in-depth dietary plan to align with your health goals and lifestyle. With a focus on tangible solutions, we will customize a delicious and nutritious food and beverage structure, natural herbal formulas based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a manageable physical plan adapted to your energy level and timeframe.  Learn More >

Facial Renewal

It is a joy to watch patients begin to feel at home in their own skin as their appearances improve. There are so many emotions we hold stored in the facial muscles, and by using gentle techniques to release these long-held patterns, we gain a more youthful, relaxed face. Learn More >

Other Services

Other healing modalities that I use include Reiki, nutrition counseling, yoga, qigong, essential oils, flower essences, moxibustion, tui na bodywork, and cupping. Learn More >

Pay it forward! We are now accepting donations to help offset the cost of acupuncture treatments for low-income patients.Donate Now